Read the historical facts behind the Armenian genocide claim

Last Word for Armenian Genocide Allegations

Armenian genocide allegations caused many murders. The Armenian efforts on this ideal had always been bloody. The remnants of the murderers of thousands of Turks in Anatolia, Cemal and Talat Pashas still retain their violent approaches. Between 1973 and 1985 ASALA terrorist organization undertook many attacks against Turkish diplomats, Turkish people and Turkish work-sites. Despite all these violent events, the Western World remained in silence and boosted the morels of the terrorists by their indifference.

The Armenian allegations consist of three targets, these are:

a. Affirmation of the political, economical and military powers of the world on the Armenian Genocide and maintenance of records on this issue by central and local administrations,

b. Compensation demand based on the concerned decisions and put economic pressure on the Republic of Turkey as the heir of the Ottoman Empire,

c. Following the collection of compensation to represent the demand of lands. After, the concealed leader of the Dashnaktsutium organization Koceryan took the presidency of the Armenian State, said strategy has been accelerated. The entire scenery is directed to the wholeness of the Republic of Turkey. This strategy became the ideal of today's Armenia. An analyze of three documents of today's Armenia clarifies this fact. These documents are, the Independence Proclamation, Independence Decision and the Constitution. 12th Article of the Independence Proclamation of Armenia Soviet Socialist Republic dated 23 August 1990 says, "The Republic of Armenia will support all the efforts for the international affirmation of the genocide occurred in Ottoman Turkey and in Western Armenia, in 1915". The same issue was accepted in Independence Resolution of the Armenian Parliament dated 23 September 1991, which says "Armenia will be loyal to the Independence Proclamation". With Constitution of 1995, Armenia declared that it will be loyal to the national objectives of the Independence Proclamation by force of law. Thus, the Armenian evil intents on Eastern Turkey as the Armenians name "Western Armenia" has revealed to the entire world.

If we focus from this point of view, we should touch upon the conventions of NATO and ESDI. Both conventions guarantees the integrity of the member states.

As known NATO is a military Pact and it does not need any further explanation. Paris Condition of ESDI guarantees the integrity of the member states. Imagine a member state that demands land from Turkey, moreover names East Turkey as "Western Armenia". In addition NATO and ESDI remain in silence.

As I have mentioned in the foreword, today Turkey, with her 70.000.000 young population desires to live in peace and harmony with all her neighbors, by forgetting the painful days of the past and historical enmities. Turkey adopts "Peace in Home, Peace in World" principle of her founder Mustafa Kemal ATATURK.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thorougly in favour of the ideas listed here and renounce the western world for their one-sided handling of the matter.Between the years of 1973 and 1985 our diplomats were brutally murdered by Asala.We Turks know that the western world is handling the issue to serve their own political interests

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