Read the historical facts behind the Armenian genocide claim

The Realities and Questions to think about:

- Do you know while diaspora Armenians spend million dollars for anti-turkish propaganda, their own people Armenians are dying of hunger and cold weather in Yerevan / Armenia?

- Do you know that 20% of Azerbaijan Lands have been under Armenian occupation since 1992?

- While some Armenians erect monuments dedicated to the memorial of 1.500.000" Armenians slaughtered by "Turkish Government" in 1915 without knowing that there had not been a Turkish Government in 1915.

- Also Armenian Diaspora and its strong supporters used distorted photos in order to propagate world public opinion about so-called Armenian Genocide, lets discover the truth behind them.Do not let one-sided Armenian propaganda take you in forgeries and do not let Armenians make you know both-sided 1915 tragedy as "Armenian Genocide".

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